Wednesday, March 07, 2007


wow. maybe they put the aircon to so low so that students will feel more comfortable but they fail to realise that after 3 hours of it, somebody is bound to freeze to death. not that it mattered to me anyway. strangely, the only time when i actually realised the intense cold, was when i stopped writing (which didnt happen much considering i had loads to say. mostly about some revolving arguments, lots of assumptions, fallacies and those sort of shit) funny though, i was tempted to write some economics considering the passage was something along the line of capitalism and stuff. i cant really remember though. actually, come to thing of it, i can only remember writing the line 'these people die early' for my summary. i spent the next minute wondering whether that line was necessary considering it sounded so damn silly. then, the cold crept it. so i just wrote. hmm.

maybe writing generates heat considering my joints and fingers move at blinding speeds in order to finish everything in time. or maybe i'm not just thinking about the cold. but this whole issue seems so irrelevant. i dont know. i'm trying to recall a funny conversation a had with the cardinal and archbishop who seem offended at my most recent few decisions. but i cant seem to remember that conversation even though its was so funny. i didnt say anything though but i was listening and nodding my head. maybe it had something to do with my eyes being somewhere else. hmm.

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